Extremely brief paper notes

Here I share my brief and shallow summarization notes of some of articles I find interesting.


Why Does Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Generation Fail? An Explanation and a Solution

Hypothesis is, fine-tuning on a single source language increases the XLRS between the source and other languages. As a result, generation is tricker than classification because of unwanted language switch in output. The paper proposed to use an additional source language for fine-tuning to explicitly regularize XLRS.

Revisiting Relation Extraction in the era of Large Language Models

ACL 2023

  • How to few-shot RE: insert ~10 examples in prompt
  • Chain-of-thought (CoT):
    • For in-context GPT-3: 76.5 -> 78.2
    • Generate it with GPT!
    • Used for Flan T5 Large
      • Use in fully-supervised training (80.76, best score)
      • or few-shot setting (76.13)
  • Strict evaluation isn’t most suited for LLM-extracted relation types.

GPT-RE: In-context Learning for Relation Extraction using Large Language Models

EMNLP 2023

  • Use best examples for few-shot:

    Encode sentences and retrieve best with kNN

    1. Encode with SimCSE template: The relation between $e_1$ and $e_2$ is: sentence
    2. Encode with BERT-based FT methods: [CLS][SUB_PER]…
  • Enrich prompt with GPT-3-generated reasoning: What are the clues that lead to the relation between [$e_1$] and [$e_2$] to be [relation] in the sentence [context]?


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